Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Week 9 Reading Diary, Continued: Ramayana: India's Immortal Tale of Adventure, Love and Wisdom

So of course for my Reading Diary, I chose to read more about Rama in a section called Rama agrees to depart. The section starts of talking about disciples accompany Vasistha. As the story goes on he is wandering through the streets of Ayodhya waiting for Rama’s installation. I like how the author gave details us about what he was doing in Ayodhya and who he met. When the author talks to us about who he met, he describes them and what they are about to do together. He also explains to us what the character he met is doing. For example, he met Sumantra and they began walking through the palace to met the king. As the story went on he presented new characters and also told us why they are involved, which makes me think that I should be doing that more in my stories. I also noticed that the author is always giving details about what the characters are doing with each other but also giving details about their surroundings. I also think this is a strategy I should be using when I am writing my stories. I really like the word choice throughout the story that the author is giving us. He uses descriptive words that make me think about the situation the characters are in. I also have been thinking about using better word choices throughout my stories to provide more excitement to my readers. I also liked this section of the story more then the last one.

Image result for India's Immortal Tale of Adventure, Love and Wisdom
Immortal Tales

Ramayana: India's Immortal Tale of Adventure, Love and Wisdom by Krishna Dharma

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