Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Week 1 Storytelling: The Wolf and The Kid

There was once a little Kid who grew up with horns and it made him think he was a grown-up Billy Goat and had the strength to be on his own. But one evening when the flock started home his father called, the Kid paid no heed and kept right on nibbling the delicious grass but realized the Wolfs come out late at night.

The sun was sinking. But he was not all alone. He had his flock with him while the long shadows came creeping over the ground. A warm breeze came creeping with them making the crickets start chirping over the entire pasture. Then he started wildly over the field, eventually finding his mother. But that’s when he saw in the distance the wolves stocking the flock.

The Kid knew he was a grown up Billy Goat and felt so brave to finally face his fear.

“Please, Mr. Wolf,” he said confidently, “I have seen you stalking our flock for quite some time but we have known you are there and if you don’t sing us a song we will be forced to team up against you.”

The Wolf didn’t like the idea but he had no choice to sing the song in fear.

Meanwhile, the flock was moving slowly toward the Wolf and began making a circle around him. In the windy evening air the Wolf’s piping could not be carried far. The Shepard Dogs were not able to able to hear the Wolf’s song of fear. When the Wolf was ending his song he saw that he was fully surrounded by the flock now. The Wolf’s song ended suddenly, and as he was let go by the flock, he called himself a fool for leaving his mother when she called. Thinking he was wise and bold enough to keep eating but did not know the Kid was stalking him.

Do not let anything turn you from your purpose

Wolf Sing his song of fear

Author Note. In the original fable the Kid thought he was grown up just like I said but his mom called form him not his father but he did not listen to his mom and stayed to eat food and then the wolf came and the Kid pleaded to not eat him until the wolf sang him a song to make the Kid happy before the wolf feasted but the Shepherd dogs came to the rescue and chased the wolf off.

Bibliography. The story based on a fable "The Wolf And The Kid" in Aesop for Children, by (anonymous), illustrated by Milo Winter (1919)


  1. Thomas, I enjoyed reading your story about a Kid being a Billy goat. I found the story to be very interesting because the Kid finally faces his fear of the wolf and actually succeeds in making him go away. I find the last sentence to be a great way to end the story, allowing the reader to understand what they needed to take away from this fable. Great story!

    -Trevor Eckard-

  2. Hi Thomas,
    I thought your story was rather clever. Here we have a kid who thought he was bigger and more grown up than he thought. Then we have a wolf who is perceived to be all big and bad and tough. However, it turns out that the wolf still needed his mom after being outsmarted by the kid and his flock.

  3. Thomas, this was an interesting spin on the original story. I really love how the little kid faces his fears and stands up to the wolf. Convincing the wolf to sing, and then surrounding him was a genius plan on the kid’s part! The overall message of not letting anything turn you from your purpose was reflected well in this story. Thanks for sharing a great story!
