Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Introduction to Your Future Real Estate Agent

Hi classmates and Professor Gibbs! My name is Thomas Reilly and I am a senior at OU. My Hometown is Houston, TX. I transferred to OU from Rogers State University after playing two years of college golf. I came to school here to further my education about Business Management, which is my major.

My favorite TV show is White collar even though it has ended and my favorite movie I recently saw was Creed. I don’t really have a favorite type of music; I pretty much like Hip-Hop, R&B, Country, and some alt. rock. My career goal for the short-team is to find a job with a real estate company in Dallas, TX. My long-term goal is to manage my own real estate firm one day. My favorite type of food is definitely Mexican food and my least favorite food is Indian food. My hobbies are to play golf now and to be active in the gym. If I had extra day for fun, I would be spending it playing golf with a couple of friends. 

The cool thing about my major is that I learn so many different aspects of Business I could do whatever I would like with it. The best class I took last semester was Finance. I know it’s a weird choice but it is really interesting for me. The biggest accomplish last semester was being able to come back from a shaky start.

Over the break, I went back to Houston to see friends and family. I spent a lot of time with my family and friends but the highlight to my break was going to a ranch in southeast Texas to hunt and spend time with my girlfriend’s family. It was a great break but its good to be back in a routine and get back to my job in Norman

The Masters


  1. Thomas, I also find real estate very interesting. My dad is an entrepreneur by heart and owns his own oil company, however, he dips into real estate all the time. I always drive with him on every vacation looking at hotels, land, and anything that interests us at the time. Also, I am currently a petroleum engineer but I want to eventually get my MBA because I find the business aspect interesting.

    Nice to meet you!

    -Trevor Eckard-

  2. Thomas, I also find real estate very interesting. My dad is an entrepreneur by heart and owns his own oil company, however, he dips into real estate all the time. I always drive with him on every vacation looking at hotels, land, and anything that interests us at the time. Also, I am currently a petroleum engineer but I want to eventually get my MBA because I find the business aspect interesting.

    Nice to meet you!

    -Trevor Eckard-

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hi Thomas, nice to meet you! I find real estate to be so fascinating for I am an avid Home and Garden fan. I think it is really cool that you want to start your company in Dallas, TX for I am from that area and absolutely love it there. I absolutely love Mexican food but unfortunately, besides Chueys and Juan del Fuegos, I feel as though Norman is lacking! Any recommendations?

  4. Hey Thomas! It’s nice meeting someone who also enjoyed White Collar (I really wish it was still on). How was playing golf in college? I have never played golf, but I did do rowing in high school. I also want to eventually own my own business, so it is so neat to find someone who also has crazy dreams! I enjoyed getting to know more about you, good luck this semester!

  5. Oh, Thomas, it's an Indian food crisis: sometimes people take this class because they are into Indian food and they even use food topics as project theme. (Some of the gods themselves, like the very hungry Ganesha, are seriously into food!) ... Still, there is hope: real estate can be such a fun storytelling style, including mythological real estate. The gods have their heavens, the royals have their royal cities, and so on. Lots of stories there for any imaginary real estate agent to tell! And CRIBS (the TV show) is such a fun storytelling style: MTV Cribs ... you might experiment with that style for a weekly story or even turn it into a whole project! I know you won't be using this class as an excuse to go out for Indian food at every opportunity (as I do, ha ha), but I am sure the real estate connection can carry you through! :-)

  6. Hi Thomas, it is very nice to meet you. I also love the show White Collar, but I still have not yet finished the very last episode. I think it's because I don't want to accept that it's over. It's a shame you don't like Indian food. I love Indian food myself, but my heart belongs to Thai food. Anyways, good luck to you and your career goals! I look forward to reading your later posts.

  7. Hi Thomas! That is so cool that you use to play golf! Why did you stop? I'm glad you made the right choice to come to OU though. My best friend is from the Woodlands as well! It seems like there is a lot of Huston people here at OU. Do you have anyone from high school that goes to OU with you? I'm big into Tex-Mex because I am from Texas too. Basically I was raised on taco, quesadillas and enchiladas! Also where do you work here in Norman?

  8. Hi Thomas!

    You seem like a very motivated guy and I think you’ll become a great estate agent one day! I noticed you said you went to Rodgers State University. I have a friend that played on the soccer team there for a few years. How cool that you play golf! I do like playing golf, but I can’t enjoy watching it (on TV) for some reason haha! Mexican food is absolutely heavenly. I do like Indian food though, unless it’s too spicy then I can’t handle it very well. It was nice meeting you!!

  9. Hey Thomas, it is nice to meet you. You love what you are studying and I think this is a great way to be successful. I would like to wish you all the best for your future in real estate and hope you own a successful real estate company. I am sorry to hear about Indian food. However, I am completely with you regarding the Mexican foods.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Hi Thomas!

    I am a transfer student, so I can definitely relate to the struggles of adjusting to OU life. White collar is absolutely wonderful. I am actually a really bad golfer, but I live at the Greens. So, I am the really annoying runner who always gets in the way! It was nice meeting you! Thank you for sharing!

  12. Hi Thomas,

    It is nice meeting you! I think it’s cool that you want to manage your own real estate firm, and that you are into golf. Last summer I thought about taking lessons after my aunt told me that her job had a woman’s golf team. She was telling me how competitive and peaceful it can be. Congratulations on graduating soon. I wish you the best!

  13. Hi Thomas, it is nice to meet you! Do you like Houston? I will be working there this summer and I am really excited. I am worried about the traffic but hopefully I will be close enough to work that it wont be a problem. I saw that you liked finance and I am glad someone does because I am currently enrolled in that class and I find it very challenging/confusing.


  14. Hi Thomas, it is nice to meet you. I am also a big fan of golf. I played in high school but I never pursued it further than that. Where do you like to play around here? I have some family that lives just outside of Houston. How do you like it there? I just remember it being extremely humid and I was sweating like crazy. Good luck for the rest of the semester.

  15. Hey Thomas! My best friend is a Business Management major too so I feel ya! Excited to graduate as a Sooner? I love all genres of music too, but when it gets down to choosing just one then country is my favorite. Especially love Luke Bryan! That's awesome that you play golf in college! My little sister is in golf at her middle school at the moment and she already fractured her wrist. So hopefully, she'll be able to carry it on until college that is if she has any bones left!:) Great meeting you!

  16. Hi Thomas! It is nice to meet you! I am really jealous you played golf in college. I love to golf, but I am nowhere near the collegiate level. My brother is a real estate agent in Oklahoma City and he loves it. I think it would be really cool to do it in Dallas. I’m also a big fan of Mexican food. Can’t go wrong with it!

  17. Hello Thomas! That is so neat that you play golf! I have only tried once, and it was at Topgolf (so I don't think it counts). Mexican food is my favorite as well. It's nice that you got to go home over the break and spend time with friends and family. In most cases, that is more important than almost anything else.
    Nice to meet you!

  18. Hi Thomas,
    Nice meeting you. I've never been a huge golf fan, but I've always enjoyed playing Disc Golf. You should try it some time. That's cool that you already know exactly what you want to do when you graduate. I feel like that is a harder decision to make than actually picking a major. I actually enjoyed Finance, too, so it's not that weird to like it. Thanks for sharing!

  19. Hi Thomas,
    That's so cool that you use to play golf, and I'm glad that you still continue to pay it recreationally. My little is also from Huston Texas! It seems like a lot of students at OU are from there! I know you didn't start out at OU, but I am glad you got here as fast as you could haha! That is interesting that you enjoyed finance a lot. I have heard that from a few other business majors as well. I guess when you have the mind for it, classes like that can be interesting! I can't wait to read some of your work. Have a great semester and Boomer!

  20. Hey Thomas, it was fun reading a little bit about you! I think it's cool how you went to Rogers State in order to play golf during college. Just like you, my favorite food is Mexican, but I also really love Indian food. I think it's great that you want to be in the real estate business. Good luck with classes and have a great rest of the semester!

  21. Hello, Thomas. Thank you for sharing a little info about yourself. Golfing is something that I have attempted a few times and have never quite succeeded at. The first time I swung a golf club was at a driving range when I was a kid. My sister's boyfriend at the time took me and let me use his brand new Nike club. On the third or fourth swing, the head broke off and went flying into the field. I'll never forget the look on his face. Fortunately, it turned out to be a defect in the club that caused it (I didn't hit the ground), so he got a replacement club for free. I still felt terrible and didn't try driving or golfing again for many years. Anyways, enough about that. Real estate can be a great field. What is it that motivates you to be an agent and own your own firm?

  22. Hi Thomas!
    I bet your enjoying the Masters right now! I actually work at a golf club in Norman and everyone has been really pumped lately - and eating a lot of egg salad sandwiches - in honor of it! Business Management is a great stepping stone for Real Estate - especially if you plan to run your own real estate agency one day. Best of luck!

  23. Hi Thomas!

    I am surprised I have not yet commented on your introduction post yet. I wish you the best of luck on your career goals! I just say, Golf is not something I've ever caught on to. It's much too slow paced for my attention. Horrible, I know. I'm glad you were able to over come a shaky start last semester. It's always an amazing feeling when you finish and you've kicked butt. It was nice meeting you via this blog/class.

  24. Hello Thomas!

    It is a little refreshing to read about someone who isn’t an Engineer! Don’t worry, I am an engineer so I am allowed to say that. It is really cool your major is Business Management. I am actually thinking about picking up a minor in business. I really like the picture on your introduction! You never explained where is was from though, it is really pretty!

    Nice to meet you,


  25. Hey Thomas,

    It is great to meet you! That is so cool that you played golf collegiately for a few years. I like to dabble with golf a little bit. Managing your own real estate firm is a great goal to have and would be very rewarding. That is so cool that you have your own ranch down in Texas to hunt at. I used to go hunting and fishing a lot, but college has really minimized my time in that sense. I hope the semester is going great for you and best of luck on finals!

  26. Hello Thomas, I hope that your aspirations of owning your own business come to fruition some day. When you were mentioning food I noticed that our opinions in that area are actually reversed. While I don't have a problem with Mexican food I would definitely prefer Indian 9 out of 10 times. Well good luck with the rest of the semester.

  27. Hello Thomas!

    It is such a joy to meet you! I think it is awesome that you played college golf! My sister loves to play golf! I think she is trying out for her high schools team. Any suggestions? I think it is awesome that you have a plan to own your own real estate firm some day! Good luck with the rest of the semester!
