Thursday, April 14, 2016

Storytelling for Week 12: Rama and Laksman Laid Low

Rama and Lakman were traveling through the country side and they have met many enemies along the way including the very powerful Kumbhakarna. 

Kumbhakarna is one of the strongest guards Ravana has and while Rama was on his way to defeat Ravana he had run into Kumbhakarna. Rama and Kumbhakarnaka had a great battle and Rama was able to defeat one of Ravana’s strongest allies. This was a very important battle because it was one of Ravana’s last line of defenses. 

After the defeat Ravana was notified of the loss and that is when he started to set up a more strict defense. He started to tell his guards to kill anyone that is being neglectful. 

Ravana said to the city, “ We are in great danger my friends, Rama and Laksman have broke through our last line of defense and we must stay on full alert. We have strengthened our defense around the palace. This is a warning to my citizens but we will be ready when the time comes.”

Ravana does all the necessary ramifications to get his palace ready for an attack but what Ravana does not know is the Rama and Laksman are laying low until the right time to attack. Ravana knows that if they were to attack soon then he will never surrender and fight to the death. He knew surrender was not an option but he knew he had lots of help from his son Indrajit.

Indrajit is a very optimistic, cocky young kid and he has no fear of anyone or anything. He approached his father and said, “ My lord, you have nothing to worry about. Two people cannot destroy this palace you have created and will certainly not kill us. We are too powerful for them and we will destroy them if they even come close to us.”

Ravana responds, “ Indrajit, we must not overlook these two. They have killed our best guard and have killed many of our friends. They are just as powerful as us but we do have the advantage.”

Indrajit says, “ What’s that.”

Ravana responds, “ We are home. We know this palace better than anyone.”

While Ravana and Indrajit are preparing for an attack soon. Rama and Laksman are planning their attack on the palace and most importantly Ravana. In a matter of time the plan will be set and the attack will be under way but Ravana will have to wait longer then he plans too. 

Author’s Note: This story is about how Ravana starts to get worried about where Rama and Laksman are. He starts to tell his companions to be on full guard and if anyone is neglectful then they should be killed. Ravana also begins to think that he does not want to surrender at all and will do anything too defend himself. In my story I am going to change it up and describe why Ravana is worried and talk about Rama more at the beginning and make up my own twist to the story and describe more of why Ravana is worried. 

Bibliography: Rama and Laksman Laid Low, Ramayana: India’s Immortal Tale of Adventure, Love and Wisdom, Krishna Dharma, 2008, Link
Rama and Ravana


  1. Hello again Thomas!

    Really nice job on your story! I will be one hundred percent honest. The font size for your story was way too small. I ended up having to copy and paste it into word so I could increase the font size. I would also recommend adding the picture somewhere in the story to help break it up.

    All in all, great content! I look forward to reading more!

  2. Hey Thomas,

    I really liked reading your story! I agree with Olivia; I think you should increase your font size a bit. If I was Ravana, I would be nervous knowing my best soldier was defeated. I like how you ended your story kind of on a cliffhanger. I wonder what the attack from Rama and Laksman will look like. I think your picture is very telling and appropriate for the story. Great job!

  3. Thomas,

    since you don't yet have a story up for this week, I'll critique this one. First off, I was really distracted by the changing verb tense. You alternate between past and present tense a lot, and it is very jarring. A good example of this is in the first sentence.

    Beyond basic tense usage, I did like your concept to add more of Ravana's motivations and reactions into the story. However, I thought that your story could have benefited by showing Ravana's emotional response at having just lost his most powerful brother. Maybe he could be so mad he punches through a wall or something?

  4. Hi Thomas. The story that you wrote made me realize how much of the Ramayana that I had already forgotten in just a couple months since reading the book. From what I can remember of the original text I think that your story accurately portrays the concern that slowly begins to loom over everyone's heads at Ravana's kingdom as Rama’s forces draw closer.
