Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Week 13 Reading Diary, continued: The Fatal Dice

Just like usually the author starts off by giving the reader an intro. What I haven’t mentioned in the reading diaries before is that the author is really detailed about the paragraph form in the stories. He always gives us a good idea about what’s going to happen and any details we should be looking out for. This story seems to be about how Duryodhan comes back from the imperial sacrifice. This story is a run on to the last story to an extent. This story is more about what happens when he comes back. Enough about the details of this story. So far this story is just like the other ones and when I say that I mean it starts off with an intro and then goes on and puts the story into just a couple sentences at a time. He uses details to describe almost everything throughout the story. He is very good writer which uses good words to describe the story and is also good at using words to describe people, things, and etc. I have liked how he as set up sections throughout the story to give us a good idea on what to expect. I might have repeated myself but this is a good idea to use sections with titles and numbers. These stories have been so interesting so far and really inspiring as a reader. It makes me what to write stories like this but it is very hard because it requires a creative mind and really takes a lot of time.

Romesh Dutt: The Fatal Dice


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